Sinogrine (Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine)
For Sinusitis, Cold and Migraine

Sinogrine is a 100% safe herbal gel safe and effective to give relief in Acute / Severe Migraine, Cluster head -ache, Sinusitis and cold.
Sl. No Sanskrit Name
Botanical Name Chemical Constituents Pharmacological Action Efficacy English
1 Nirgundi Vitex negundo Nishindine, essential oil, ß sistosterol, stigmosterol, Flavone glycoside, leucoanthrocyandin, negundoside ferulic acid, camphene, Camphor alanine.
Analgesic, antibacterial, CNS depressant, anti – inflammatory, anti spasmodic. Relieves pain, swelling reduces arthritic condition, very effective in neuralgias, neuromuscular and musculo skeletal pain. Five Leaves
2 Karpura
Cinnamomum Camphora
Camphor, essential oils camperol, lanalol Geranid, lignans, cinnamonol, cresyl Eugenol, borneol
Antiseptic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, anthelmentic, stimulant, analgesic Reduces pain in arthritic and Rheumatic conditions, swellings are reduces.

3 Tailaparna Ecalyptus Globules
Globulol,essential oils, α-pinenlimonene euglobals leanolic acid, maslinic acid, 4 hydroxy titianconlan-16,18 Iodine, cysteine, Asperagine, glutamic acid
Anti inflammatory, anti-Tumor, analgesic, anti-Infective. Reduces pain swelling in Arthritic and rheumatic Conditions Eucalyptus

4 Drona Pushpi


Leucolactone, dotriacantenol, glycoside ß sitosterol, α sitosterol
Anti inflammatory, anti-Bacterial, anthelmentic, Analgesic
Swelling, inflammation and pain are reduced. Prevents and cures bacterial infections
5 Devadaru
Himachalol, allohim achalol, himadarol, Centdarol, deodarin, cedeodarin, cedrin Anti-inflammatory,anti-Bacterial, analgesic

Reduces pain,swelling inflammation, prevents bacterial infections.
Himalayan Cedar

6 Pudhina
Menthaarvensis Essential oils, menthol, d-carvone, 80.8 Careen, citronellol. Anti-inflammatory,anti-Bacterial, analgesic Reduces inflammation, pain and swelling, relieves arthritis rheumatic pains. The marsh Mint