Bensor Gel(Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine)
For Bedsore and Burns

Bensor Gel is 100% safe herbal product provides relief from Bedsore, Burns and is also useful in Insect bites and cuts.
Sl. No Sanskrit Name
Botanical Name Chemical Constituents Pharmacological Action Efficacy English
1 Kumari Aloe vera

Alion,hydroxyanthro-quinone, barbalion, Aloe ferrin,Aloe emodin chrysophenol, Aloe Resin A&B Anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, analgesic, anesthetic, wound healing, anti fungal Improves skin texture, regenerates Epidermis protects from infections. Reduces pain and swelling due to Injury removes fungal infections.
Indian Aloe
2 Nimba
Azadirachta Indica Nimbidin, Azadirachtin, Nimbiol, Nimolinon, Tocopherol, Stearic Acid, Nimbidol Antimicrobial, Analgesic, Antifungal & Anti-inflammatory.

Wound Healing reduces swelling & pain, prevents from all types of skin Infections, heals ulcers of any cause eg., diabetes ulcers injuries etc.

Neem Tree
3 Chandan
Santalam Album
Santalin, Santanone, Santalol, sterolic acid Sitosterols.

Anti-bacterial, analgesic, anti inflammatory, anti neoplasic, Deodarant

Reduces pain, swelling, heals wounds Prevents frost bites etc.,

4 Haridra Curcuma longa Borneol, turmerone, curcumens, camphor terpineol, Curcumin, turmerin.

Anti-inflammatory, anti- Arthritis, antifungal and Antimicrobial..
Heals wounds, cuts, Prevents from all types of infections bacterial, viral, fungal etc., reduces carcinogenesis

5 Vrikshaha Yeranda
Ricinus communis
Ricinine, kaempferol, B- Amyrin, recinoleic acid

Anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, analgesic, anti-Fungal, ani convulsant.
Reduces pain , swelling. anti spasmodic, heals wound and cuts.
Castor oil